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  • Lauren Taft

Stay in to get out

We only have around five more months of the year until we are back to March again in 2021, the same month that kick started our country going into a lockdown to try and contain Covid-19. To say this year has been stressful, but also incredibly disappointing would be an understatement. As we now head into our second lockdown, which I’m hoping will pass as quickly as this year seems to have, there comes the question of “What do I do now?”

As students, there is an overbearing sense of feeling isolated from each other. Gone are the days where you can properly socialise, which has made moving to a new city harder to settle into for some. Talking to people through a device isn’t the same, which is why I have asked a few people what they did during the first lockdown or an isolation period, to try and give you some ideas, other than the typical learning of a new language or recipe, when it feels like a monotonous routine being stuck in a flat or at home.

  1. Drinking Games

Perhaps the most obvious and one of the most fun, minus the morning after. When the weekend hits or everyone that you live with just wants to drink and have a good time or when trying to lie to yourselves that you are actually in the club and it’s 3 am isn’t working anymore, get a pack of cards out. The rules, occasional cheating and getting to know people better is a guarantee for a fun night. Living with people you have never met before will make certain you learn a card game or two you have never played before, so start shuffling and drink up.

  1. Have a “Come Dine with Me” Night

This one is pretty self explanatory, you and your flatmates, competing head-to-head in a cook off. I think being able to bring together a flat for an activity and have a competition where everyone can actively participate is a great solution to focus on anything other than the new restrictions. I know of several people who have had these nights, and yes, just to add to the authenticity of the evening, everyone did say at least once, “What a sad little life Jane.”

  1. Mini Olympics

This is one that requires a bit more effort but the payoff is well worth it. Me and my flatmates set up a games night when we were isolated a month ago. Consisting of us coming up with a different activity each. We had fun with it and added drinking games for winners and losers for all of the activities we played. This is a good opportunity for you to be creative and pull everyone together to come up with your own competition. Keeping track of who wins and loses each time will enable you to elevate your ‘Olympics’ each time, should you play again.

  1. Go Outside

It’s an obvious option, but one that sometimes gets overlooked due to the fact that practically every place in Sheffield is closed, but being stuck inside for prolonged periods of time has a negative effect on individuals. Since lockdown has begun, I have never been out exploring Sheffield more. Obviously follow government guidelines when it comes to this, but if you get the chance, go outside and start wandering, exploring the city we can’t properly experience. One of my favourite spots that I would recommend to walk to is behind the train station and up the steel steps, giving you one of the best eagle-eye views of the entire city.

  1. Zoom Quiz

At the beginning of the first lockdown, zoom had a surge in users, it became a way for friends and relatives to stay in contact with one another when our face-to-face contact slipped away from us. One great way to get people involved that you live far away from is taking it in turns with themes and coming up with a weekly quiz, for everyone to participate in. It is as close as we can get right now to a pub quiz, but the resemblance is as good as it can get given the current times we are living in.

All of these ideas are quite trivial and I’m sure many have already used some of these ways to cope. So, just remember to reach out to those closest to you when you are feeling low and need a boost and to also check on friends and family to see how they are doing themselves. Everyone is going through the same experience right now, and surrounding yourself with positive people is one thing that can help ease these hard times.

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